A Little Folly

Monday, January 28, 2019

I read this book a few weeks ago, so I have had some time away from it and to really mull over what I liked 

After reading The American Heiress, I realized a couple things-- good romance is good literature, and I'm not going to let the popular opinion that romance is less important than a road trip story about a journalist on drugs keep me from enjoying as many of these stories as I want. I'm not talking about bodice rippers- those have their own pros and cons- but stories that delve into the minutiae of society, courtship and family dynamics. 

Rant over. 

A Little Folly was an amusing story, and I'm going to check out more of Jude Morgan's work. I didn't feel pushed into the romance between the main character Louisa, and her beau, I just liked her and her brother and wanted them to do well. The siblings have a controlling father who passes away at the beginning of the book, leaving behind two children who are insecure and not quite sure what to do with their new freedom. 

Their cousins are a lot of fun, and help them to acclimate to London. I also enjoyed the friends of the family who very politely talked smack about their dead father. 

This was another subtle romance, and the literal last page of the book brings closure to Louisa's story. Though not a surprise, you're still relieved and excited for her. 

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